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Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections?

In this blog post from your OBGYN Greenville NC, we'll delve deeper into yeast infections, exploring their nature, causes, and treatment options.

Yeast infections are a prevalent health issue that many women encounter. These infections, while not usually severe, can cause significant discomfort, particularly if they recur frequently. In this blog post from your OBGYN Greenville NC, we'll delve deeper into yeast infections, exploring their nature, causes, and treatment options. We will also discuss how Magnolia Place, a dedicated women's health care provider, can assist in managing and preventing recurrent yeast infections.

Understanding Yeast Infections

What are Yeast Infections?

Yeast infections, also medically known as candidiasis, are a type of infection caused by the overgrowth of yeast in the vagina. This overgrowth is typically triggered when the delicate balance of bacteria and yeast in the vagina is disturbed. Symptoms of yeast infections include itching, burning, and a thick, white discharge. These symptoms can severely affect a woman's quality of life and cause considerable discomfort.

The Impact of Recurrent Yeast Infections

Recurrent yeast infections can have a significant impact on a woman's life. The discomfort and frustration caused by the symptoms can lead to anxiety and stress, further exacerbating the problem. Moreover, recurrent infections could signal underlying health issues that require medical attention by a gynecologist Greenville NC.

Common Causes of Yeast Infections

There are a few baseline causes of yeast infections. Among these are antibiotic use, which can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and yeast, high estrogen levels due to pregnancy or hormone therapy, and a weakened immune system. Uncontrolled diabetes can also lead to recurrent yeast infections, as can certain lifestyle factors, such as wearing tight, non-breathable underwear or pants. By understanding these causes with the help of their OBGYN Greenville NC, women can make informed decisions that can help prevent recurrent infections.

Treatment Options and How Magnolia Place Can Help

Standard Treatment Options

Over-the-counter antifungal medications or by prescription from your gynecologist Greenville NC are used to treat yeast infections. These medications are usually effective in treating the infection, but for women who experience recurrent infections, a longer course of treatment may be necessary.

The Role of Magnolia Place in Managing Yeast Infections

At Magnolia Place, our healthcare professionals are committed to providing comprehensive, personalized care for women with yeast infections. We provide personalized treatment plans including lifestyle advice, long-term medication strategies, and other interventions designed to manage and prevent recurrent yeast infections.

Get The Best Care with Magnolia Place

Recurrent yeast infections can be a distressing and frustrating issue. However, understanding the causes and treatment options can go a long way in managing this condition. If you're experiencing frequent yeast infections, seeking professional help is vital. At Magnolia Place, we provide comprehensive care for all women's health issues, including recurrent yeast infections. We believe in empowering women with the knowledge and support they need to take charge of their health. For more information about our OBGYN Greenville NC and the services we offer, contact us today!