(<18yo) because just like Shelby, these patients are youthful, optimistic, and effervescent and always look on the bright side of life.
In-network membership: $75/quarter
Self-pay: $75/quarter + access to preferred pricing for all services.
This does not include any built-in medical services like our other packages.
We aimed to balance this season of life with the anticipated needs of our non-medical services.
For all medical services, the self-pay fee schedule will apply.
(19-26yo) because just like Annelle experienced, this is a time of self-exploration for young women.
In-Network $150/quarter
Out-of-Network $300/quarter*
Aim to increase health awareness regarding contraceptive options, fertility and preconception counseling, and educate regarding general health and wellness.
(27-64yo) because these women are always in control even in the face of adversity with their bubbly personalities and strength of character.
In-Network $300/quarter
Out-of-Network $450/quarter*
Continue to foster health literacy from child-bearing years, through perimenopause, and into menopause.
(>65yo) because these women are witty, fiercely loyal, sometimes a curmudgeon but with an ever-present heart of gold.
In-Network $300/quarter
Out-of-Network $450/quarter*
Aim to help women through transitions in their life including menopause and beyond and to enjoy and THRIVE in their golden years.
*For our Out-of-Network and Self-Pay patients, membership will include the following:
For Obstetric patients joining Magnolia Place in 2021, your membership will be reflective as per your age noted above. Starting in January 2022, new Obstetric patients will fall into the Obstetric Journey Package. For more information on how the Obstetric Journey Package will work, please email MagnoliaPlaceofGreenville@gmail.com