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First Trimester of Pregnancy: Expectation Vs. Reality

At our OBGYN Greenville NC, we know it can be hard to know exactly what to expect during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester!

At our OBGYN Greenville NC, Drs. Rowe, Loftis and the entire Magnolia Place medical team know that it can be tricky when it comes to knowing what to expect during pregnancy, especially the first trimester. The Magnolia Place medical team aims to empower, educate and prepare each pregnant woman for the journey to come.

There is so much that can happen that one cannot fathom in the days following the realization of a positive pregnancy test. It can be a moment of celebration for many, and a moment of dismay and a “Oh no! What have we done?” for others. Once a woman and her family are able to wrap their mind and heart around this moment that changes life forever to come, know these first few weeks and months continue to be characterized by a mix of excitement, anxiety, and uncertainty for EVERYONE.

As a woman's body adjusts to the changes that come with pregnancy, it's not uncommon for her to experience a range of physical and emotional changes and the entire family as well. For many women, much of the information they receive comes from friends, family, the internet, and the media. This information can range from lightly dramatized to quite misleading. With some of the information staunchly evidence-based and some outlandish, dangerous, opinions.

Don’t just rely on horror stories, but research the facts for yourself with your doctor. A great place to start this is through the ACOG, or the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Supported by evidence-based medicine, this free site is a great resource to pull from. We particularly love this blog about standing up for yourself during pregnancy.

When it comes to having a baby, many in our culture immediately adopt the behavior of offering unsolicited opinions that are based on personal experience or subjective observations. The team at Magnolia Place aims to safeguard you and keep you from derailing from this. In your pregnancy journey with us, you have a clear sense of direction, resulting in confidence to make your own decisions along the way.

At Magnolia Place, we foster a sense of confidence where pregnant mothers and families learn to be their best advocates. It is this bare necessity that is required to navigate the medical landscape of pregnancy-NO MATTER THE CHALLENGE.  Here are some of the expectations vs. the reality of the first trimester of pregnancy.

Morning Sickness


Morning sickness is a common pregnancy symptom that many women expect (and often dread) to experience during the first trimester. Our OBGYN in Greenville NC has noticed it’s often portrayed in the media as something that only occurs during the morning. Characters usually first suspect they’re pregnant via a comical scene featuring them holding a bowl or running to the bathroom, looking and feeling miserable. The episode of nausea and vomiting seems to last anywhere from a few hours to two weeks.


Contrary to the name, morning sickness doesn’t always occur in the morning! Some women have recounted to their OBGYN Greenville NC that they only noticed symptoms at night or both morning and night. It’s also important to note that not every woman will actually vomit. Sometimes women will simply have mild nausea. The opposite can also be true. Some women experience morning sickness as a wave of debilitating and constant nausea and/or vomiting that lasts throughout the day. The period of morning sickness can last anywhere from the first 14 weeks, all the way up to the first several months or the entire pregnancy!

It’s important to remember that every woman, and every pregnancy, is different. Advocate and make sure your healthcare team evaluates all possible causes. Some causes of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy can be cured and some are signs of impending danger. Drs. Rowe, Loftis, and the entire medical team strive to make certain that no pregnant mother suffers. At Magnolia Place, a thorough investigation and plan of action are always done to keep mother and baby safe.

OBGYN Greenville NC

Physical Changes


When it comes to pregnancy, one of the most common questions our Greenville Obstetrics and Gynecology office hears is: “When will I start showing?” Some women believe they’ll start showing in just a few weeks, while others don’t expect to have trouble fitting into their clothes until four months or so. Another change some women may expect is a drastic increase in breast size due to the production of colostrum, or breast milk. Some circles may even state that an A cup should expect to go up to a DD.


In reality, the timeline for when a woman will start showing varies greatly from person to person. For first-time mothers, it may take longer for the uterus to expand and for the baby to grow to the point where a bump is visible. This is also true for breast changes. Some women may not show until the second trimester, while others may start showing earlier. Additionally, other factors such as a woman's pre-pregnancy weight, height, and abdominal muscle strength and tone can also impact when she will start showing. At our OBGYN Greenville NC, we understand you might be excited about the changes coming, but know they may not be what you’ve anticipated!

Emotional Changes


Unlike the previous pregnancy symptoms, this third change is not a physical one. When you become pregnant, your body will begin producing differing amounts of estrogen and progesterone. This change can cause heightened emotions and emotional swings as the levels rise and dip. This is another pregnancy symptom often covered in books, television, and film. When some women think of emotional changes during pregnancy, they might expect crying at the drop of a hat or extreme irritability followed by a period of perfect serenity.


While it’s true that your emotions may become heightened during this time, rarely is it as dramatic as these scenes. Your body is going through quite a big change in preparation for your newborn. For some women, those changes may bring feelings of despair and resentment toward their bodies. This may be especially true for women who suffer from body dysmorphia or eating disorders, or fitness enthusiasts who may feel like they’re mourning the body they worked hard for.

While it can be difficult to deal with these changes and the feelings around them, remember: these feelings are temporary! It’s important to note that if you are experiencing emotional changes, it may be perfectly normal. However, if these feelings are extreme or you’re finding your mood changing swiftly and dramatically, it may be beneficial to bring your OBGYN Greenville NC into the loop. Together, you and your provider can help come up with a game plan to help reduce your symptoms.

Magnolia Place | OBGYN Greenville NC

At our OBGYN Greenville NC, we know the first trimester of pregnancy can be challenging. While expectations are often set, it's important to remember that every woman's pregnancy journey is unique; there's no "right" way to experience it. Seeking medical advice from your OBGYN in Greenville NC, emotional support, and being kind to oneself can help make the reality of the first trimester a more manageable if not enjoyable experience. For more information and support, visit Magnolia Place OBGYN.

OBGYN Greenville NC