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Common Treatments For Menstrual Symptoms

It's important to take a visit to a women's center of Greenville, such as Magnolia Place, in order to find what works for you.

When it comes to the menstrual cycle, it is a natural event that does come with variations of discomfort as it is one orchestrated inflammatory event.  If your pain however debilitates you or takes you out of your routine, please seek care as this could be a sign of other causes contributing to your pain.  Conditions like endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or irritable bowel disease may never be found if you are not asking questions to guard your safety and quality of life.  If you however have a generally tolerable menstrual cycle, there are a variety of ways to combat symptoms that come with that time of the month. Not everything works for everyone, so it's important to take a visit to a women's center of Greenville, such as Magnolia Place, in order to find what works for you. From heat to medications, your physician and medical care team can assist you with deciphering what can help ease your symptoms.

Heat Pads

If you're someone who feels menstrual pain in your lower abdomen or back, heating up the area can help relax the muscles and ease the pain. For some women, a warm bath can also provide relief. There are also scented heat pads that offer calming aromas from essential oils.


Stretching can also help alleviate pain in the lower back and abdomen. Try some simple yoga poses or gentle stretching exercises to reduce pain and tension in the body, which helps relax your mind and muscles. At Magnolia Place, an ECU OBGYN, we offer yoga classes for our members to enjoy.

Pain Medications

There are also over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, or even Midol, that can help reduce inflammation and pain. Be sure to speak with someone from your women's center of Greenville before taking any medications, as some can interact with other prescriptions you may be taking. Your physician can assist with curating a schedule to take the pain medications to reduce pain as much as possible.

Hormonal Regulation

For women who experience extreme cramping, bloating, headaches, or other PMS symptoms, hormonal regulation may be the best course of treatment. This can be done through birth control pills or other hormonal therapies prescribed by your ECU OBGYN. When you visit your physician to discuss hormonal treatments, ask about the different kinds of birth control and other options to reduce period symptoms.

Magnolia Place | Women’s Center of Greenville

If you're looking for a women's center of Greenville that offers a variety of services, look no further than Magnolia Place. In addition to being an ECU OBGYN, we offer yoga and stretching classes, as well as provide information on nutrition and health. Visit us online or give us a call today to schedule an appointment!